Friday, April 11, 2014

The Tahoe makes it to Tahoe.

Good morning, Adventure watchers!  You just never know what detours that life has in store for you.  A heavy marine layer has dulled our visit in Carmel but has afforded us another day to look around Central California for new places to discover.   A full tank of gas and a Subway sandwich give light to our new destination, Lake Tahoe; 136 miles, seems doable.

Sometimes the best plans are those that come up unexpectedly, so here we are in South Lake Tahoe, a cute little ski town on the south boarder of Lake Tahoe.   A late spring snow fall has left its mark on the peaks and in the woods and all around this beautiful lake.  Even at 6,000 feet, the air temperature is a lovely 67 degrees.  The sky is crystal clear; no fog here.

Here are some fun Lake Tahoe facts.  The lake is 22 miles long and 12 miles wide but average depth of the lake is 1000 feet, yes I said average.  The water clarity, although not the 100 feet it used to be is still a pristine 60 feet.  There is no doubt about it, this is one beautiful lake.

The lake is surrounded by gorgeous mountains.  Preferring hiking over skiing; we opt for the Eagle trail, the trail head, just beyond the Emerald Bay lookout.

It is a nice easy hike to the Vista and the falls; such a beautiful morning to be hiking.  

This has been such a nice surprise.  We have met many very nice people here on our short visit, even some who were originally from Minnesota before settling in this beautiful place.  Thank you Lake Tahoe, we will meet again.

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